Shanghai Langhai Printing CO., Ltd.
Shlanghai——Professional Packaging Products Manufacturer

The Walking Advertising-How important is the shopping bag as an advertising vehicle to the brand?

Is the shopping bag important or the product in the bag important? For brand owners facing the “Gen Z”— ( people born in the Internet age) business, the answer is probably the former.


Once, the shopping bag was just an accessory to the purchase: a disposable package with a short-distance shipping function, and a convenience on hand for spending fifty cents to earn consumers’ praise.

However, as young “Gen Z” consumers quickly become the main force, more and more FMCG—(Fast Moving Consumer Goods) brands realize the attractiveness of “shopping bag marketing”.


Spend a few cents to a few dollars at a very small cost, and use the flow of mobile people to spread the brand story full of visual tension to the streets and alleys of the city “for free”-in the brand advertising booth,

it was originally only equipped with “screening” Nowadays, their shopping bags are quietly moving from “behind the scenes to the front”, becoming the first “cognitive entrance” for many passers-by to turn fans into the brand.


For example,IKEA is a leader in shopping bag marketing. This plastic woven bag, which originally lacks details and is cheap, has become the “first choice” for housewives in various communities to pick up goods when they go shopping in supermarkets due to the use of “uncommon sense” colors and extra-large sizes. Through the continuous reuse of shopping bags, IKEA’s extremely low cost has given a sense of existence to the vast number of middle-class consumers in Europe and the United States.

There is a concept of “visual hammer” in marketing theory. The so-called visual hammer is to express and present the brand concept, core values, and design principles originally defined in language and text through non-verbal (usually visual) means.

IKEA has always advocated the concept of “environmental protection and simplicity” in home life. This sea-blue, multi-functional, high-toughness shopping bag uses the right “visual elements” to assimilate all kinds of IKEA home furnishings with different styles into one. “IKEA Style”.

Later, IKEA’s routine was imitated by major luxury brands such as Gucci and Chanel: a glittering logo was printed on the packaging bag, and it swayed on the shoulders of fashion darlings in various business circles. This “posting logo posture” mode cleverly utilizes the vanity of human nature and unlocks the prominent function of the shopping bag as a “mobile ID card”.


With the rapid development of various industries, many brands have begun to create unique brand packaging images to achieve the closed loop of “shopping bag IP marketing”



LeLeCha—A new tea brand from China. In the competition with other tea brands, more and more customers are attracted to pay for it by constantly updating creative shopping bags. Lele Tea has gradually developed its own original IP power by combining the cultural characteristics of various parts of China and co-branding with other brands.

People depend on clothes and beauty depends on bright makeup. The same is true for all kinds of products. Except for good quality, they also need to have beautiful packaging. Especially in brand era, shopping bags also have the ability to improve brand awareness and The role of added value. It can be imagined that in today’s commodity economy era, when the final consumer is choosing a product, he will not only pay attention to the product, but also pay attention to the outer packaging of the product. A unique and eye-catching product shopping bag or Packaging, in addition to increasing sales, can also increase the value of goods several times, allowing consumers to form brand dependence and user stickiness.














Post time: Nov-28-2021